Producing supreme marbled lamb with quality and consistency at the heart of our brand.

Lambs and Ewe


In February 2015 Westfarm Pastoral and Co made the decision to purchase the Glenowra and Keith Park properties in the Lachlan Valley Region. The purchase also included the Glenowra Australian White Sheep Stud.

Under the guidance of their experienced farm manager, Paddy McCumstie, the new owners of the Glenowra Australian White Sheep Stud decided to increase the size of the stud to cope with the growing local and global demand. Paddy managed Glenowra for many years and was involved with the Australian White sheep breed since its launch in 2011. He had witnessed first-hand the attributes of the breed commercially in the Condobolin area, with their rapid growth rates and docile temperament making them an ideal choice for Westfarm.

The Lachlan Valley has an area of 90,000 square kilometres, extending from the Great Dividing Range to the Great Cumbung Swamp on the Riverine plains.

 Wallaroi Creek, Worrongorrah Property


Westfarm increased the size of the Australian White stud and was insistent on purchasing the best quality stock. Farm manager, Paddy, sourced additional stock from Tattykeel Stud in Oberon NSW. Tattykeel is the birthplace of the Australian White sheep breed, with the largest flock of quality stud stock available. The original Glenowra Australian White Stud had also been founded on animals sourced from Tattykeel.

Paddy selected a very even line of 104 pure stud ewes (from 2013 & 2014 drop), with a strong emphasis placed on carcass shape, shedding and sound feet. The addition of these ewes to the existing flock at Glenowra stud makes them one of the largest studs in Central West NSW.


With quality and consistency at the heart of our brand, the Glenowra Australian White Sheep Stud want to expand our operations globally, producing the world’s finest lamb.


The Glenowra Australian White Sheep Stud have developed and built their operations in the heart of NSW, with the properties nestled in the most sought-after areas along the Lachlan Valley river region.

With eight strategically positioned properties around the Condobolin region, 50% of properties are on the higher dryland country and around 50% along the river flats to eliminate risk to the welfare of the sheep and operations in both drought and flood conditions.

The Australian White is designed to finish on grass (not grain) with superior eating quality and world class weight gain, the Lachlan Valley Region is the perfect location.


The Glenowra White Sheep Stud consists of 8 properties over 32,300 acres throughout the Lachlan Valley River region within a 30km radius of Condobolin, NSW.

With a sharp focus on sustainability, the properties have been strategically positioned to mitigate the effects of drought and flood.

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With quality and consistency at the heart of our brand, the Glenowra Australian White Sheep Stud want to expand our operations globally, producing the world’s finest lamb.


We are team driven for customer satisfaction and confidence, forging lasting relationships through reliability and a righteous foundation of professionalism.


Righteousness, Professionalism, Accountability, Culture Driven Team, Passion, Innovation

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